Environmental Policy

Skelly & Couch is committed to conducting our business in an environmentally responsible manner. We are committed to complying with and seek to exceed the requirements of relevant legislation associated with activities within our practice. We continually look for ways to improve our environmental performance and attained ISO 14001 certification for environmental management systems in June 2014. All employees are kept informed of our methods and encouraged to look for ecologically sustainable solutions where applicable.

Current examples include:

  • Use of bicycles to and from work-place, and meetings where practical (Skelly & Couch won the Transport for London – Workplace Cycle Challenge 2008 in the category of small organisation)
  • Recycling of packaging materials, and other office waste
  • Efficient use of water and energy including using a “green” electricity supplier
  • Purchase of recycled or fair-trade products where possible
  • Use of electronic means of distributing project documentation

Skelly & Couch encourage similar standards from the suppliers, contractors, consultants and clients with whom we work.